Kenya Book Download Page

You can read the Jesus Messiah (JM-)books in these languages:

  1. Arab comic book (*) / Arab film-clips 
  2. Chonyi (Kenya) comic book
  3. English editions (*) / 34 bible lessonsEnglish film-clips  Gospel of Mark (*)
  4. Kabarasi (Kenya) comic book
  5. Kisuba (Kenya) comic book 
  6. Marakwet (Kenya) comic book
  7. Okiek (Kenya, Tanzania) comic book
  8. Oromo (Ethiopia, Kenya) comic book / Oromo (Ethiopia) Film-clips
  9. Pӧkot (Kenya, Uganda) comic book
  10. Somali (Ethiopia,  Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Kenya) comic book
  11. Swahili comic book (*) (Kenya, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Bajuni Islands (part of Somalia), Mozambique (mostly Mwani), Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda,[1] Comoros, Mayotte, Zambia, Malawi, and Madagascar)
  12. Tachoni (Kenya) comic book
  13. Upper Pokomo (Kenya) comic book
  14. Waata (Kenya) comic book (in progress, partly English)

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