English Questions worksheet “Jesus Messiah”

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1. Here comes Jesus! (p.1-3)(Mat 3:1-17)

• Why were the people gathered at the river side?

• What did John tell the people to do in preparation for the coming of God’s kingdom?

2. The invisible battle (p.4-5)(Mat 4:1-12)

• Where did the Holy Spirit send Jesus after His baptism?

• What did Jesus do whilst in the wilderness?

• In what ways did Satan tempt Jesus?

• How did Jesus respond to Satan’s temptations?

3. The wedding at Cana (p.6-7)(John 2:1-11)

• Why did Jesus go to Cana?

• What miracle did Jesus perform in Cana?

4. Follow me! (p.8-9)(Mat 4:12-22)

• What did Jesus ask Peter to do? What happened when Peter obeyed?

• Come and follow me so that I will make you fishers of men. How can you bring people to Christ?

5. The Beatitudes (p.10-11)(Mat 5:1-16)

• What blessings will those receive, who are persecuted and despised for the sake of the Kingdom of God?

• What are we to do with our enemies?

6. Healed! (p.12-13)(Luke 5:17-25, 6:6-11)

• What good lessons can we learn from the friends of the sick person?

• Mention 2 important things Jesus did for the sick person?

7. With Jesus in the boat (p.14-15)(Mat 8:23-27)

• What problem did the disciples face in the boat?

• How did Jesus solve the problem and what can you learn about the power of Jesus?

8. Free of Satan's power (p.16-17)(Mark 5:1-20)

• Who did they see, when they got to the other side of the river? What did Jesus do for him?

• What did Jesus ask the man to do?

9. The Mission (p.18-19)(Mat 9:35-10:4)

• Where did Jesus go to pray? What good lesson can you draw from this?

10. Jesus Gives enough (p.20-21)(John 6:1-15)

• What did Jesus do to show that he had compassion on the people?

11. Believe or leave (p.22-24)(Mat 14:22-33, John 6:22-40, 60-69)

• Why Peter began to drown?

• When Jesus asked His disciples whether they will not also go away, what was their reply? What do you learn from that?

12. Take up your Cross! (p.25)(Mat 16:13-28)

• When Jesus asked His disciples who they say he is; what was their reply?

• What Jesus say those who will follow him should do?

13. Be Thankful! (p.26-27)(Luke 17:11-19)

• Who begged Jesus to heal them?

• What does God expect us to do when He answers our prayers?

14. Become like a Child (p.28)(Luke 19:1-10, Mat 19:13-15)

• Why did the Jewish leaders make their servant follow Jesus?

15. Jesus Gives Life (p.29-30)(John 11:17-44)

• What did Jesus mean when he said He is the resurrection and the life?

16. He Must Die! (p.31-31)(John 11:45-54)

• Who did Jesus bring back to life?

• Why were the Jewish leaders angry with Jesus and His disciples?

17. Honouring Jesus (p.32-32)(John 12:1-11)

• What did Jesus say Mary was doing, when she poured perfume on His legs?

18. The Humble King (p.33-34)(Luke 19:29-44)

• Why was Jesus ridding a donkey into Jerusalem?

• What sacrificial lamb can wash away our sins?

19. The Big Cleansing (p.35-36)(Luke 19:45-48)

• When Jesus entered the temple, why was he angry with the people? 

20. The Betrayal (p.37-38)(Mat 26:14-19)

• Who collected money and betrayed Jesus?

21. The Foot washing (p.39-40)(John 13:1-35)

• What is the significance of the Passover Festival?

• What did Jesus mean when he said that one who is a servant would become the master?

22. Communion (p.41)(Mat 26:26-30, John 13:34-38)

• What did Jesus mean when he said this is My body and this wine is My blood?

• What did Jesus say the disciples must do to show they are really His disciples?

23. The Arrest (p.42-43)(John 14:1-31, Mat 26:36-56)

• What did Jesus say His father will give to them?

• What did Jesus mean when he said, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life?

24. The Trial (p.44-45)(Mat 26:57-75)

• Who denied knowing Jesus?

• What would a Christian do to deny Jesus?

25. The Death Sentence (p.46-47)(Mat 27:11-30, John 18:28-40)

• Why was Jesus arrested?


26. To the Cross (p.48)(John 19:1-18)

• What did Jesus ask His father to do for those who crucified him?

• What can we learn from this?

27. Cursed (p.49)(Mat 27:3-10, Luke 23:32-34)

• Who betrayed Jesus for money?

28. Jesus Dies (p.50-51)(Luke 23:32-46, Mat 27:46-50, John 19:25-30)

• Which of the thieves did Jesus promise that he would be in paradise and why?

29. The Sacrifice of Jesus (p.52)(John 19:31-42)

• What was the last thing Jesus said before giving up his soul?

30. Jesus Lives! (p.53-54)(Mark 16:1-9, John 20:1-18)

• When the women visited the grave on the third day, what did the angel tell them?

31. Jesus With Us (p.55)(Luke 24:13-43, John 20:19-29)

• When Jesus appeared to Mary, what did He tell her?

32. No More "Me First!" (p.56-57)(John 21:1-19, Mat 28:16-20)

• What did Jesus tell Peter and the other disciples to do?

33. Witness (p.58)(Acts 2:22-39)

• When the disciples gathered together and prayed, what did they receive from God?

34. God is Close By (p.59)(Eph. 1:1-15)

• What is the evidence that God loves the world?

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