Suriname Media Download Page

You can read the Jesus Messiah (JM-)picturebook in these languages:

  1. Aukan comic book
  2. Carib comic book
  3. Dutch / Nederlandse editions (*) / Dutch film-clips / Gospel of Mark (*)
  4. English editions (*) / 34 bible lessons / English film-clips Gospel of Mark (*)
  5. Javane comic book
  6. Nederlands comic book / Dutch film-clips
  7. Dutch lessons: Beste vriend / Jezus Messias Dichtbij / kleurplaten
  8. Saramacan comic book
  9. Sarnami_Hindoestani comic book
  10. Sranan Tongo  comic book
  11. Trió (Suriname, Brazil) (tri) Comic Book 

* Install "Phone App" for Android or Apple

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